Ullika Scholz
Research Interests
I write my thesis on a hierarchy of dimensionally reduced equation systems for incompressible free surface flows. My equations are an extension to the moment approximations and model cascades for shallow flow by Prof. Julia Kowalski and Prof. Manuel Torrilhon. The PDE systems rely on vertical averaging similar to the classical nonlinear shallow water equations. The difference is that before the averaging takes place the flow variables are replaced by a polynomial expansion in vertical direction. In my equations the pressure is not entirely hydrostatic. This makes the systems dispersive (and difficult to solve). Before starting my Ph.D. I have looked at spline basis functions for a moment system derived from the Boltzmann equation.
About me
Since 03/2020 Ph.D. candidate at ACoM, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
12/2019 M.Sc. in Mathematics at the Free Universiy of Berlin, Germany.
10/2014 B.Sc. in Mathematics at the Free University of Berlin, Germany.
From 2013 to 2019 I was a scholar of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation.
From 11/2020 to 08/2024 I was part of the Research Training Group Energy, Entropy, and Dissipative Dynamics (EDDy).
I was a (part-time) software engineer during my master's.
- I do not list all the conferences that I have attended here.
- A poster that I presented at the International Workshop on Moment Methods in Kinetic Theory (MMKT) IV, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- The slides that I used in a presentation during the 5th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2024) in Darmstadt 2024.
Research Articles
- Dispersion in Shallow Moment Equations (with Prof. Julia Kowalski and Prof. Manuel Torrilhon)
- Spline moment models for the one-dimensional Boltzmann–Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook equation (with Dr. Julian Koellermeier)