Lunch Seminars

During the semester, every Tuesday, 12:15 - 13:15, lunch seminar takes place in the ACoM seminar room 1090|328 or by Zoom link (see also the presentation details below). In our lunch seminar we have informal talks of internal and external colleagues and guests.

Everybody interested in the talks is welcome to join us.

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Coupled Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Theory and Numerics
Speaker: Dr. Aleksey Sikstel (Univ Köln)
Location: Rogowski 328
Time: 12:15

We study systems of conservation laws coupled via imposing conditions on the intermediate states of corresponding half-Riemann problems. The existence and uniqueness of such solutions is investigated for two particular problems:

  • a compressible gas coupled by means of a gas generator and
  • a linear elastic material coupled with a compressible fluid.

The analytical and numerical methods developed are applicable to a broad class of coupled problems involving hyperbolic conservation laws.