
Publishing research results in scientific journals is central part of our work. Our publications can be found in many online resources and databases.

The list below is under construction.

J. Kraus, M. Schlottke-Lakemper, A. Adinetz and D. Pleiter
Accelerating a C++ CFD Code with OpenACC
2014 First Workshop on Accelerator Programming using Directives

M. Torrilhon
H-Theorem for Nonlinear Regularized 13-Moment Equations in Kinetic Gas Theory
Kinetic and Related Models 5/(1), pp.185-201

M.H. Gorji, M. Torrilhon and P. Jenny
Fokker–Planck Model for Computational Studies of Monatomic Rarefied Gas Flows
J. Fluid Mech. 680, pp. 574-601

Erik H. Saenger, Georg Karl Kocur, Roman Jud and Manuel Torrilhon
Application of Time Reverse Modeling on Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 2 pp. 807-816

P. Jenny, M. Torrilhon and S. Heinz
A Solution Algorithm for the Fluid Dynamic Equations based on a Stochastic Model for Molecular Motion
J. Comput. Phys. 229, pp.1077-1098
M. Cada and M. Torrilhon
Compact Third-Order Limiter Functions for Finite Volume Methods
J. Comput. Phys. 228, pp. 4118-4145