Simulation-oriented study programs at RWTH
In support of the campus-wide CES activities RWTH offers three research-oriented, interdisciplinary study programs
- Bachelor of Science in 'Computational Engineering Science (CES), B.Sc.'
- Master of Science in 'Computational Engineering Science (CES), M.Sc.'
- Master of Science in 'Simulation Science (SiSc), M.Sc.'
The Bachelor of Science in 'Computational Engineering Sciences' at RWTH Aachen (7 Semester, 210 ECTS) is a program that provides students with a comprehensive education in computational engineering and its scientific foundations. The program covers fundamental topics in mathematics, computer science, and engineering, in particular, mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and others. The program is inherently interdisciplinary and from the beginning the students are exposed to various courses taught by experts of the respective field. With the degree of B.Sc. in CES the student's expertise covers process-understanding, mathematical models and algorithmic implementations. For more information see the official website
The Master of Science in 'Computational Engineering Sciences' at RWTH Aachen (3 semester, 90 ECTS) is a consecutive master program which directly continues the CES undergraduate education. The program is entirely made of elective coursework and the students only have to choose one of the three focus areas: Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics. Sole mandatory course is the CES Master Seminar. For more information see the official website
The Master of Science in Simulation Sciences at RWTH (4 semester, 120 ECTS) is an international, English-speaking program that targets students which have a B.Sc. degree in some discipline, like engineering or physics and want to focus their graduate education on simulation techniques and computational engineering science. The program consists of two semester of mostly mandatory coursework which provides the students with the methodological foundations. The SiSc program is supported by the Super-Computing Center of the Research Center Jülich (FZJ) and several courses are being taught at FZJ. For more information see the official website