
We offer projects for students of Mathematics or CES at various levels. These include Master- and Bachelor-Theses, which are typically advertized under the same topic title. Some projects are also available on the basis of a paid student employment ('HiWi').

Projects are typically related to our research fields, which involve all aspects of mathematical modeling, numerical methods and optimisation techniques. Projects typically incorporate multi-disciplinary aspects ranging from the analysis of numerical methods to implementation of algorithms, and may be motivated from various applications in the natural sciences such as chemistry and physics, and also engineering and environmental sciences.

Examples of specific projects from the individual research groups can be found under finished projects.

Group of Manuel Torrilhon

Group of N.N.

  • To be announced

Teaching Assistants

Every semester we look for student helpers for our courses who are typically offered a paid student employment ('HiWi')

  • Tutorial classes and home work sessions for the classes Mathematics I to IV and Partial Differential Equations in the study program CES.
  • Tutorial classes and home work sessions for the class Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations in the study program SiSc.
  • If you are interested please write an email to ACoM secretariat.