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Lambert Theisen


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Researching PDE eigenvalue problems, asymptotic analysis of expanding domains, directional homogenization, preconditioners for eigenvalue algorithms, preconditioners for linear solvers, spectral coarse spaces for domain decomposition, and Galerkin methods for moment models in rarefied gas modelling.


  • 10/19 – now: PhD Student @ RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
  • 10/14 – 04/18: Bachelor of Science in Computational Engineering Science (CES) @ RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
  • 04/18 – 09/19: Master of Science in Computational Engineering Science (CES) @ RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany


  • 04/2024– now: Research Assistant @ ACoM / Applied and Computational Mathematics, RWTH Aachen
  • 10/22 – 03/24: Research Assistant @ Chair of Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing (NMH/IANS), University of Stuttgart
  • 10/19 – 09/22: Research Assistant @ MathCCES / Applied and Computational Mathematics, RWTH Aachen
  • 10/17 – 03/18: Internship about 3D CFD Simulation and Hexahedral Meshing @ ABB Corporate Research Center Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
  • 08/15 – 10/15: Working Student in IT and EDV Systems @ Sanofi, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • 07/14 – 10/14: Working Student in Export & Dispatch @ Sanofi, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

An extensive and generally reliable list of my publications can be found under my ORCid profile.

  • SS23: Assistant for Schulmathematik vom höheren Standpunkt (School mathematics from the higher perspective) @ NMH/IANS, University of Stuttgart, with Prof. Stamm
  • WS22: Assistant for Höhere Mathematik 1 für Ingenieure (higher mathematics 1 for engineers) @ LExMath - Lehrexportzentrum Mathematik, University of Stuttgart, with Prof. Stroppel
  • SS22: Assistant for Mathematical aspects in computational chemistry @ ACoM, RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Stamm
  • WS21: Assistant for Mathematische Grundlagen III (CES) @ MathCCES, RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Torrilhon & Prof. Krumscheid
  • WS20: Assistant for Mathematische Grundlagen III (CES) @ MathCCES, RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Stamm & Prof. Hakon Hoel
  • SS20: Assistant for Mathematische Grundlagen IV (CES) @ MathCCES, RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Stamm & Prof. Krumscheid
  • WS19/20: Assistant for Mathematische Grundlagen I (CES) @ MathCCES, RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Stamm & Prof. Krumscheid
  • SS19: Tutor for Mathematische Grundlagen IV (CES) @ MathCCES, RWTH Aachen
  • WS18/19: Tutor for Partielle Differentialgleichungen (CES) @ MathCCES, RWTH Aachen